I’m way too old to be quoting Britney Spears songs, but, “whoops, I did it again.”

Dear Wednesday,

I did that thing again, where I said I was going to start blogging again, and I did for a while, and then I dropped off the face of the blogosphere for another four years. Yeah, apparently I do that. Sorry.

It’s not that I feel obligated to keep writing, but I guess I just can’t decide what to do with this blog. I’m still homeschooling, technically, although my oldest is 18 now and a senior, and doing all of her work through the community college. And my youngest is 15 and will start part time at the college this year. She and I are still working a fairly rigorous homeschool high school schedule, so technically, yes, I’m still a homeschooler. But what that means to me has really changed over the last few years. It’s no longer my primary identity. I’m not sure if it ever should have been, really.

I come in here sometimes and think about taking the whole blog down, but then I start to read through the old posts and get lost in the memories, and sad about how fast it went, and while part of me wishes I’d blogged the whole way through the journey, a bigger part of me realizes that my teenage daughters probably would prefer that I not blog about them so prolifically. Teens like their privacy, and I have to respect that.

So, since I’m torn about what to do with this blog, it sits here, neglected, while I try to figure it out.

I can tell you that we’re all doing fine. It’s been four years since we moved, and we’re making our adjustments fairly well. A lot has changed since our first summer here, because life is like that. I always say that it takes me five years to move somewhere new, so we’ve got one more year before I’ll feel really settled here. And then my oldest will graduate and go off to college, and everything will change again.

And I’ll be 50.

Like, when the hell did all of that happen?

I have no idea, yet, what my plan is with this blog. But know that I’m thinking about you, fondly as always.


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